Water and Pads for School-Girls Empowerment for Life!
For IAW to achieve its goal, further financial resources are needed.
Unfortunately, the current resources are far from sufficient.
With your donation you contribute to the success!
Account: 14-887557 3 Grub AR
Alliance Internationale des Femmes
IBAN : CH15 0900 0000 1488 7557 3
Intended use: "Water and Pads Project"
bank transfer:
www.womenalliance.org under
- Donations and Membership
- Donations to the following project:
"Water and Pads"
IAW says thanks to its donors!
The WP project is funded by generous donations from individuals or organisations, among others:
Stiftung fokus frauen - focus women foundation zurich, Switzerland
focus women believes in the potential of women as forces of change. All around the world, women experience the impact of violence, discrimination and poverty to varying degrees. Women are aware of how vulnerable our planet and how fragile society is. They create new perspectives over and over again, and commit themselves to bringing about changes.
focus women supports women's organizations and networks in the global South and Eastern Europe. With them, the Foundation put into practice projects for women by women.
Verein Dorf Plus
January 2025 - Public event presenting the WP project
The association "Verein Dorf Plus Wölflinswil" had invited Heidi Bodmer and Ursula Nakamura, both Coordinators of the WP project for a public event at Wölflinswil, a very small Swiss city.
It was great showing pictures of so many WP activitites all organized by IAW organisations for schoolgirls (and boys) living in precarious conditions.
One could convincingly show the importance of some basic knowledge regarding menstruation.The attendees were enthusiastic, took an active part in the discussion and supported the WP project with a generous donation.
See the flyer and reports in Neue Fricktaler Zeitung and fricktal.info.
Reformierte Kirche Region
30 December 2024 - Church collection
Many thanks for this very
generous donation!
International Fricktal
22. October 2024 - Fundraising Event
"We work together to support our community in our beautiful Fricktal and maintain close personal contacts. Like our global organization Soroptimist International, we see ourselves as a global
voice of women for women..."
Heidi Bodmer and Ursula Nakamura, Coordonators, were invited by Pia Rothen, Soroptimist President, to a very inspring and cosy evening-event. They could present the goals and achievements of the
WP project, which was met with great interest by the numerous participants.The Soroptimists decided to support this educational project by a very generous donation, for which the coordinators
expressed their sincere thanks.
frauenrechte beider basel frbb, Basel, Switzerland
1st of May 2024 - frbb is selling again bread and roses for the Water and Pads Project!
For more information see below!
Now in 2024 frbb members were active at two places, in Basel and Frick. The WP-team is very thankful for their great engagement!
frauenrechte beider basel frbb, Basel, Switzerland
1st of May 2023- today frbb is selling bread and roses again!
Back in 1912, during the "Bread and Roses Strike" in Lawrence Massachusetts (USA), women with a migrant background fought against starvation wages and child labour.
They demanded not only a fair wage (bread), but also a humane working and living environment (roses).
Women's organisations in Basel, now it is frbb, have
commemorated this event on 1st of May ever since the 1980s. This time the profit went to the project Water and Pads for Schoolgirls., supported by International Alliance of Women IAW. frbb
is section of ADF-SVF, the Swiss Affiliate of IAW.... read more
Reformierter Frauenverein Aesch-Pfeffingen, Switzerland
The Women's Association promotes communication among women, is culturally and charitably active and takes care of the elderly.
The range of services we offer includes the Brockenstube, the Ludothek, the clothes exchange, the walking service in the old people's centre and the senior citizens' afternoon. Every two years we
organise a big bazaar in the Steinackerhaus.
IAW and the school-girls thank you for your support!
Here are a few pictures of some schools in collaboration with the IAW "Water and Pads" project.
Water and Pads for School-Girls Empowerment for Life!